¡Courtesy visit to the Mayor of Seto |Terminated| |
Date: Aug. 21th, 2019 Wed |
¡Workshop |Terminated| |
[Free AdmissionERegistration NecessaryEEnglish-Japanese Interpreter Available] |
Déborah Abizanda Cañizares |
uIs it paper? porcelain?! Let’s use the porcelain paper together!v |
Date: Sep. 7th, 2019 Sat 13:30- |
Location: Seto Ceramics and Glass Art Center |

¡Open Studio & Slide Lecture
|Terminated| |
[Free AdmissionENo Registration NecessaryE @English-Japanese Interpreter Available] |
Déborah Abizanda Cañizares & Masako Ando |
Date: Sep. 21th, 2019 Sat 13:30-15:30 |
Location: Seto Ceramics and Glass Art Center |
