Seto International Ceramic & Glass Art Exchange Program |
The word "Seto-mono" has historically been used in Japan
to designate the ceramics in any style.
The origin of this word is founded in the high regard attributed
to the potters of Seto City.
Based on their city's incredibly rich and unique deposits of ceramic
and glass materials, the contemporary artists of Seto City continue
to build this rich tradition.
During "Artist-in-Residence in Seto" from 2000-2005,
intended to share our ceramic tradition with artists throughout
the world, 31 artists visited here and we had fruitful experience
through them.
After that we restarted "SETO International Ceramic &
Glass Arts Exchange Program"
in the new style, composed of two seasons and we'll invite 4 artists
from field of ceramic and glass arts.
Our purpose is always the same, cultural exchange through the
making process and making a new possibility of artistic activity.
We expect your participation in our program.


Seto City Cultural Promotion Foundation
Address : 113-3Nishiibara, Seto, Aichi, 489-0884, Japan
TEL : +81-561-84-1093 FAX : +81-561-85-0415
E-mail : seto.artistinresidence@gmail.com