コレクション Collection

瀬戸染付とは About Seto Sometsuke

Sometsuke is generally known as "blue and white vessel". We'll introduce SetoSometsuke.

染付年表をひも解く Unraveling the Sometsuke Chronology

Sometsuke is generally known as "blue and white vessel". We'll introduce SetoSometsuke.

名品ギャラリー Masterpiece Gallery

We introduce many masterpieces of Seto Sometsuke that have been made since the beginning of the 19th century.

研修生・修了生紹介 Introduction of trainees and graduates

We introduce independent artists who have studied at the Seto Sometsuke Kogeikan Training Institute (sometsuke workshop).

記録映像 Recorded video

You can see a documentary video of the current instructor, Mr. Otani, and the holder of an intangible cultural property designated by Seto City.