■瀬戸染付とは About Seto Sometsuke
Sometsuke is generally known as "blue and white vessel". We'll introduce SetoSometsuke.
■染付年表をひも解く Unraveling the Sometsuke Chronology
Sometsuke is generally known as "blue and white vessel". We'll introduce SetoSometsuke.
■名品ギャラリー Masterpiece Gallery
We introduce many masterpieces of Seto Sometsuke that have been made since
the beginning of the 19th century.
■研修生・修了生紹介 Introduction of trainees and graduates
We introduce independent artists who have studied at the Seto Sometsuke
Kogeikan Training Institute (sometsuke workshop).
■記録映像 Recorded video
You can see a documentary video of the current instructor, Mr. Otani, and the holder of an intangible cultural property designated by Seto City.
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