■2024/12/7~3/23「瀬戸染付 草花の表現」
Special exhibition "SetoSometsuke expression of flowers"

Many Seto Sometsuke paintings depict flowers and plants.
It is a piece of work in which the painter cuts out the parts he wants
to express one by one, characteristically, from ideas gathered from sketches
of familiar subjects, as if picking flowers, and projects them onto a vessel.
The collection consists of over 1,000 items, mainly depicting flowers,
and covers a wide variety of areas.
This time, we would like to mainly introduce works that have never been
exhibited at our museum before.
Number of exhibited works: 20 pieces
企画展 |
2024/4/6~7/28「瀬戸染付 吹き墨の技法」終了 |
2024/8/3~11/24「瀬戸染付 富士の表現」終了 |
2024/12/7~2025/3/23「瀬戸染付 草花の表現」 |
常設展 |
修了生・研修生の作品展示・販売 |
館外 |
2024/1/28~3/5 ひなミッド2024 at 瀬戸蔵(研修生3名)終了
3/14~17 研修生作品展 at 瀬戸市文化センター(研修生3名)終了
7/1~7 名古屋サカエチカ URマチノタネ展示(修了生1名)終了
7/23~28 ガラス陶芸新進作家作品展2024 at 市民ギャラリー矢田(研修生3名)終了
9/14,15 第93回せともの祭(研修生3名・修了生1名)終了
2025/2/1~3/9 ひなミッド(研修生3名)
2/28~3/4 やきものワールド2025 at ポートメッセ名古屋(研修生3名)
3/20~23 研修生作品展(研修生3名) |